
Friday, April 6, 2012

Best Friday

Today isn't just Good Friday. It's the very best Friday.

Today's the day they say that you died for me,
Gave up your breath to give me life.
But I think what you've done reaches far beyond words.
It's bigger than a catchy phrase or a familiar verse.
This thing you've done is far too big to grasp.
I cannot wrap it in a box and place a bow atop.
I cannot speak words that explain your actions.

"Suffering" doesn't cut it.
"Agony" doesn't begin.
"Sacrifice" is so unworthy.
"Gift" is far too kind.

You took off your king robes
Not in exchange for something greater,
But for the humiliation of nakedness.

You gave up authority to speak into existance
Not for a slightly lower position,
But for the silence of a lamb.

You gave up heaven for Nazarath
And galaxies for earth.

I cannot describe your actions.
I cannot express your deeds.
I will never comprehend the extent of such love.

But I taste it.

It flavors my life.
It seasons my heart.
My soul leaps at a drop of it.
My body surges with the warmth of just one morsel.

I cannot explain it.
And for that,
I praise you.