
Monday, May 16, 2011

Beautiful Things

Yesterday, somewhere between the time my family left the house and the end of Cinderella, I decided I needed to write a new blog. This time, with pictures. So I grabbed my camera and set out through my house, determined to unearth some blog-worthy subject (pausing every now and then to dance and sing along with the television.)
In my kitchen, I found my two round chocolate cakes, sadly cooling on their respective racks, their bottoms tragically uneven-- both from sticking to the pan and my premature nibbling.
On the front porch, I found Mamma's flowers and soil, sitting, waiting for planting hands.

And in my room, I found my latest puzzle, (yes, I like to work puzzles, and yes, I know that is yet another thing I have in common with the elderly. But like a true old lady, I don't give a hoot.) parts finished, most still in fragments on the floor.
Now I knew what I would blog about! How God finishes every good work in us. How He ices our cakes and plants our flowers and fits together all our pieces.

But when I iced the cake, it still looked lumpy.
When I finished the puzzle, several pieces were missing (not uncommon when you use a thrift store as your supplier.)
I was a little miffed. My wonderful illustration had fallen flat on its face. 
It wasn't until this morning that I realized those imperfections fit. After all, we don't turn out perfect either. That's not our Maker's fault. Those bumps and bruises are our own pizazz. The chunks out of the cake are where we want to stick with our own plan instead of his, or where we get tired of waiting on His timing.
Those missing pieces are where we refuse to do his will, or we put ourselves in the hands of others before turning to Him.

But even with the mess-ups, the cake was still delicious, and the pieces still made a lovely image. He's not stopped by a few lumps or missing pieces. He doesn't give up on me.
By the way, the flowers turned out just fine, most likely because I had no part in their planting.

Oh, and the plain country bumpkin and the prince did join in marriage.

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