
Monday, June 20, 2011

Preparing for the Giant

The past few weeks, I felt I was grasping at straws when people would ask what God had been teaching me. I think it's because I was keeping Him at a distance. I would read my Bible, but then quickly move on with my life. I felt like He was there, but He was just sitting, listening, and watching me rush. He was keeping His lips closed and His body still. It was my fault. I wasn't giving Him my time. I wasn't sitting down or closing my lips to let Him speak, and for that, I am sorry. When I finally realized my problem, when I finally changed my ways, I once again heard His voice. So this, my friends, is what God has been teaching me.
This past week, at work, I struggled. I started my new job as a daycare employee. I had no idea the children would act as they did. Nightmare. God has taught me, now that I've finally taken the time to listen, two things from my week.
The first thing is that He gave me this job. He arranged it perfectly. He fit all the details together. He knew what He was doing. After my first day of work, I felt like I couldn't do it anymore. I didn't think I would actually be able to do my job. But God reminded me: if He gave it to me, He knows I can do it. Later in the week, while house-sitting, I noticed a plaque on the wall of the bedroom I was in. It was Psalm 138:8. "The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me; your love, O Lord, endures forever." I cannot express the peace I feel in those words. How amazing that I should happen to choose that room of the house! How wonderful is my Father!
Yesterday, in my quiet time, I read of David and Goliath. I find it so encouraging to hear David's words to Saul on why he is qualified to fight the giant. He tells of protecting his father's sheep from wild beasts, a lion and a bear, with his own hands. He sees those experiences as preparation for Goliath. I wonder if when David was fighting those animals, he thought that was a big deal. Perhaps he thought those were some of the most major moments in his life. But really, they were only preparation for something bigger. Preparation for the Giant.
I wonder if my "major moments" are really that at all. Or is God just preparing me for something bigger? I think this should terrify me, to think that there is more to come. But I don't feel afraid. The thought instead comforts me. I feel strengthened. I am being equipped by the Lord.

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