
Wednesday, March 7, 2012


What is a radical Christian?

We hear about the habits of certain believers. We read about Daniel refusing to eat the rich food of the Babylonians and taking time to pray three times a day. We hear about a person memorizing whole books of the Bible. We hear these stories and think, "Wow. They are radical Christians." But are they really?

Is it really radical to refuse to eat what God forbade? Is it radical to spend three hours in prayer when Christ says to pray without ceasing? Is it radical to memorize several verses when we are taught to hide His word in our hearts? Is it radical, or is it expected?

Perhaps our idea of radical Christianity is distorted. Perhaps distorted by the world's expectations. Perhaps we do the bare minimum. Perhaps we do just enough to be seen as Christians, but not enough to really appear different.

When the Israelites left Egypt, they numbered around two million. Out of these original two million, only two entered the Promised Land. Why? Because they were the only two who completely trusted, who completely held God to His word by obeying Him. One in a million.

Complete surrender, complete obedience is not popular. Nor is it common. But is it truly radical?

What if we were radical by the world's standards? What if we refused to eat the richness of the world, refused to watch what they watch or hear what they hear? What if we refused to find entertainment or humor in the things God hates? What if we devoted time to be still and listen or to memorize His word? What if we were actually different on the outside, and not just within? Would we be radical? Or would we just be obedient?

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